We are a church on a mission....
to reach this part of our city with the love and power of Jesus.
New Life is a vibrant local Church for North London, UK - serving Camden, Islington and Haringey.
We are a multi-cultural, all-age congregation reflecting the diversity of people who live in this part of North London.
Who are we?
People of all ages and backgrounds feel at home at New Life. We seek to be a genuine Church family, journeying together in the calling God has given us to impact this amazing City. Children and Youth, love the ministry and equipping designed for the different age groups at New Life. Students benefit from a place where they can find friendship and support - and a place they can serve whilst studying in London. Families will love the inclusive nature of all we do at New Life. In fact all ages are represented and valued and you're sure to find people just like you at New Life.
youth and kids
We believe in making every effort to ensure that our younger visitors are welcome and cared for.