New Life is a vibrant local Church for North London - serving Camden, Islington and Haringey.
We are a multi-culural, all-age congregation reflecting the diversity of people who live in this part of London.
We are a Church on a mission - to reach this part of our City with the love and power of Jesus.
People of all ages and backgrounds feel at home at New Life.
We seek to be a genuine Church family, journeying together in the calling God has given us to impact this great city.
Children and Youth, love the ministry and equipping designed for the different age groups at New Life.
Students benefit from a place where they can find friendship and support - as well as a place they can serve whilst studying in London.
There is an active social scene for the 20's and 30's - looking to enjoy being with other Christians in this vast city.
Families will love the inclusive nature of all we do at New Life. In fact all ages are represented and valued and you're sure to find people just like you at New Life.
our vision
Every Church is heading somewhere - we believe God has given us a very specific direction....
Flowing out of our mission: 'New Life is a Church on a mission to reach those who don't know Christ in the North London area and beyond' - we have a vision to bring the good news of Jesus, to the people who live and work in Camden, Islington and Haringey, with the power of God and see many won for Christ.
We are passionate about seeing God's kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven - touching and changing lives, across this City. This passion is driving us to call out to God for His power and equipping to be effective in that which God has called us to do.
Our vision is simple - to pray, and reach out! To ask God to pour out His Holy Spirit on this part of London, and to listen to God and follow His leading seeking to impact this City for Jesus.
Equally important in being effective in this, we work hard to create a Church family that is loving and supportive and demonstrates Jesus command that we 'love each other'.
who we are
New Life began in 1978 as a prayer meeting of a few international students in Regent's Park, North London. It grew and became a Church, which met in a nearby house. At first it was called Regent's Park Christian Fellowship and was birthed out of the remarkable things God was doing in South Chard, Somerset. The early meetings were 'in the round' no band or preacher, but each member bringing a Psalm, a Hymn a prophecy, a teaching.
As the Church grew, it moved to a rented hall in Kentish Town, near the Tube Station for a few years, before moving to a Community Centre in Tufnell Park, North London and changing it's name to New Life Christian Fellowship.
For a season of around ten years we became a Children's Church - focussed on reaching the unchurched children in Kentish Town. During that time we started to reach the parents of the unchurched children and became a family Church - serving all ages. It changed it's name again in 2003 to New Life Church (North London) - everyone just calls us New Life!
We have worked hard in growing a community of Christians who are learning together how to love God, love each other and love those who don't know Jesus.
We meet on Sundays in Acland Burghley School Hall, just opposite Tufnell Park Tube Station.
our values
We have some distinctive values at New Life:
* We are a missionary Church - our finances, efforts and focus is on reaching people who live in North London
* We are a praying Church - prayer undergirds every aspect of Church life.
* We are a ministry orientated Church - looking to meet the spiritual needs of all who are part of New Life
* We are an all-age congregation, looking to include everyone in our corporate worship and to provide separate input appropriate for the different age groups in the Church
* We believe every person is special and important, and so we work to welcome and care for each person
* We prioritise developing new leaders, through training and equipping. We value and promote servant leadership.
* We are a worshipping Church - encouraging personal devotion and valuing times of corporate praise and worship.
* We participate in overseas missions - supporting missionaries, praying for their work and sending members of the Church on short term trips.
* We are committed to working closely with other local Churches in North London and receive regular input from a variety of wider ministries. We are not part of a denomination or grouping, but find our identity in relationship with other local evangelical Churches.
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance and subscribe to the EA Statement of Faith
"The most important person is the one who comes for the first time" - our philisophy of leadership is all about service and example, not position and titles: In fact we don't go for titles much at New Life - but instead we believe every person is important. We value all ages and listen to what God is saying through each person, whatever their age or Christian experience.
We have an eldership structure of leadership - who work with the Trustees and a broader New Life Leaders Forum, to hear what God is saying to the whole Church and to oversee and direct the life of the fellowship.If you have any questions and would like to talk to one of the leaders - please email